hooker with a penis

  1. tool'un aenima albümünden öfke dolu bir şarkı. sözlerde anlatıldığına göre üzerinde grubun tişörtü olan biri maynard'a "siz de anca yatıyosunuz, bir albüm yapıp üzerine yatıyor ve başka bir şey üretmiyorsunuz, onun parasını yiyorsunuz" türünde bir eleştiri yapmış ve maynard'da şarkı boyunca adama ağzına ne geldiyse saymış.

    konusunu geçersek şarkı yine tool. bateri, gitarlar, vokal...hepsi kendini belli ediyor. ayrıca aenima'daki en hızlı ve en sert şarkı.


    i met a boy wearing vans, 501s, and a
    dope beastie t, nipple rings, and
    new tattoos that claimed that he
    was ogt,
    from 92,
    the first ep.

    and in between
    sips of coke
    he told me that
    he thought
    we were sellin out,
    layin down,
    suckin up
    to the man.

    well now ive got some
    a-dvice for you, little buddy.
    before you point the finger
    you should know that
    im the man,

    and if im the man,
    then youre the man, and
    hes the man as well so you can
    point that fuckin finger up your ass.

    all you know about me is what ive sold you,
    dumb fuck.
    i sold out long before you ever heard my name.

    i sold my soul to make a record,
    dip shit,
    and you bought one.

    so ive got some
    advice for you, little buddy.
    before you point your finger
    you should know that
    im the man,
    if im the fuckin man
    then youre the fuckin man as well
    so you can
    point that fuckin finger up your ass.

    all you know about me is what ive sold you,
    dumb fuck.
    i sold out long before you ever heard my name.

    i sold my soul to make a record,
    dip shit,
    and you bought one.

    all you read and
    wear or see and
    hear on tv
    is a product
    begging for your
    fatass dirty

    so...shut up and

    buy my new record
    seeeend more money
    fuuuuuuuuuuck you, buddy!
    fuuuuuuuuuuck you, buddy!
    fuuuuuuuuuuck you, buddy!
    (iknowthepiecesfit 01.02.2007 05:54)
  2. (bkz: travesti)
    (faaip de oiad 24.06.2007 01:39 ~ 25.06.2007 19:37)

Vampircik - 2005 - 2015

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